National and international ratings include the University of Trento in the leading places among Italian universities. The academic range offered by its 10 departments and 4 college centers comprises 61 first degree and masters degree courses, a number of first and second level masters and permanent education courses. There are also one higher education school and 15 courses of research doctorates.
Open Badge are used to recognize the soft skills developed by students involved in educational activities promoted by the University for the development of tools and techniques for active job search
The University of Trento has also published two Open Badges to certify the competencies developed by student representatives taking part in training related to the fundamental principles of quality and quality assurance systems of the University of Trento.
e-NABLE / Enabling the Future
In 2011 when Ivan Owen received support from an on line community to collaborate with people who needed prosthetics, shared his designs using open source licences, and Applied the feedback to 8nnovate and gift a better design for the need knower to test. The community suggested redesign using 3 d […]