The Transformation of ePIC

Bringing together players from civil society, businesses and public authorities

Marking a significant step forward, ePIC 2024 for the first time brings together key stakeholders from : civil society and territories, enterprises, and public authorities. This milestone reflects the maturity of discussions around recognition practices, technologies, and policies, which have been ongoing since 2003.

This collaborative effort is fuelled by the partnership with #Leplusimportant. Together, Reconnaître and #Leplusimportant lead the National Committee of Digital Badge Stakeholders (Comité National des Acteurs des Badges Numériques), which, in December 2023, gathered nearly 300 participants across three roundtables organised around the three groups of key stkaholders.. These discussions explored the crucial role each stakeholder could play in scaling up and sustaining digital badge initiatives.

Building upon the legacy of ePIC 2016 in Bologna, where the concept of Open Recognition was first articulated in the Bologna Open Recognition Declaration, ePIC 2024 will be dedicated to the Paris Declaration, a declaration which advocates for recognising the equal value of all forms of recognition, whether informal, non-formal, or formal.

Furthermore, ePIC 2024 aims at establishing an international committee mirroring the structure of the French Committee, with dedicated representation from:

  • Civil society and territories
  • Enterprises and the world of work
  • Public services and authorities


Colloque National 2023

In December 2023, the National Committee of Digital Badge Stakeholders (Comité National des Acteurs des Badges Numériques) hosted a conference with the title “Digital Badges: Promoting a Knowledge and Recognition Economy and Society.” 

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Vocational Education and Training, the National Committee presented “Digital Badges: theWhite Paper”, a document analysing the current state of digital badge initiatives in France and making a series of recommendations for their wider adoption by the different stakeholders : education providers and awarding bodies, enterprises and skill sector councils, public services and authorities.

Among the conclusion of the conference was the call for setting-up an international committee based on the three tiers structure of the French Committee:

  • Civil society and its territories (regions, districts, cities)
  • Enterprises and the world of work
  • Public services and authorities

ePIC 2023

ePIC 2023 was the twenty-first edition in a series of international conferences conferences (Oxford, Quebec, Maastricht, London, Bologna, Lille, Vienna) dedicated to exploring the potential of digital technologies in opening access to recognition of all forms of learning, whether informal or non-formal formal or formal.

During three days, the participants focused  on how recognition practices, technologies and policies could contribute to the development of “open recognition for a sustainable planet”.

Overall, ePIC conferences attract a diverse audience sharing a shared interest in digital credentials at the service of opening recognition practices, technologies and policies:

  • Training professionals
  • HR professionals
  • Digital Certifications Practitioners
  • Public decision-makers
  • Technology providers
  • Researchers and academics

Siège Social & Bureau

Association Reconnaître – Open Recognition Alliance – 3, Esplanade Stéphane Hessel – 14 000 Caen (France)

N° SIRET : 839 826 773 00021