Open Badges :

From recognition to empowerment

Join the conversation at ePIC 2022, the 20th International Conference on Open Education and Open Recognition Technologies and Practices. ePIC 2022 will welcome participants and speakers from all continents and backgrounds to explore all dimensions of the emerging culture of recognition that gave rise to open badges. This year’s conference will be 100% face-to-face and will take place at the Lilliad Learning Center in Lille (France), european capital of Open Recognition.

Open Badges


The Lilliad Learning Center is located on the Cité Scientifique campus (in the direct vicinity of the Haute-Borne European Science Park, in the heart of the University of Lille’s Faculty of Sciences, Lille’s major scientific schools and research laboratories), in Villeneuve-d’Ascq, a green technology park and student town in the European Metropolis of Lille (Hauts-de-France).

At the heart of Northern Europe, less than an hour and a half from the major economic and financial centres of London, Paris and Brussels, the European Metropolis of Lille (MEL) enjoys an ideal geographical position.


Organising Committee

Serge Ravet

President of Reconnaitre


Philippe Petitqueux

Secretary of Reconnaitre


Gerard Pruim

Founder of Gear-Up


Don Presant

Founder of Learning Agents


Justin Mason

Director at eLearning & AT


Dominique-Alain Jan

Director of eLearning


Christophe Delamare

Consultant at RD Talents


Fanny Alexandre

Project Mgr at Reconnaître


Patrice Petitqueux

Community Mgr at Reconnaître


Fabien Paquereau



Raphaëla L’Hôte

Educational engineer at UBFC


Loïc Geschwine

Member of Reconnaître


Chris Delepierre

Founder of Trezorium


Sandra Villain

Founder of C’est Pourquoi


Contact us

Reconnaître – Open Recognition Alliance
Adress: 3 Esplanade Stephane Hessel – 14 000 Caen – France

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