Bologna, October 25-27 2017

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Date: Wednesday, 25/Oct/2017
Anchor8:30am Welcome and registration
Anchor9:30am WorkshopAddressing the Open Badge Challenges (1)
Chair: Nate Otto

During this series of workshop we will be working in groups to address a selected number among the 10 Open Badge Challenges: 1. Open Recognition Networks; 2. Informal Recognition; 3. Open Endorsement; 4. Open Discovery; 5. Advanced Visualisation; 6. Social Capital Representation; 7. Open Pathways; 8. Semantic value; 9. Open Services; 10. Interoperability. During this first session, we will investigate the state of open recognition, examine the different challenges and use each as a window into building Open Recognition Networks. Each team will nominate one chair person who will be leading the work on the challenge and report on the results. 

Open Pathways

Nate Otto, Concentric Sky, United States of America

Workshop — Open Badges 101: Create your own badge
Chair: Tania Martinelli

This session is designed for the Open Badge beginners. You will learn:

  • What are Open Badges?
  • How to create your own badge?
  • How to endorse a badge?
Anchor11:00am Coffee Break
Anchor11:30am KEY1.1: Launch of the Open Recognition Day: Italy adopts Open Badges!
Chair: Tania Martinelli
Chair: Chiara Carlino

During this plenary session broadcasted on the web keynotes speakers will explore Open Recognition and how it could change, not just the learning landscape, but the social and employment landscape altogether.

Round table with the participation of:

  • Davide Conte, Assessor to Budgeting, Finance, Corporate Participation, User Participation in Quality Control of Public Services
  • Marco Lombardo, Municipal councillor, mayor’s delegate to European relations and projects
  • Alessandra Biancolini, ANPAL – National Agency Active Labour Policies
  • Marco Mantoan, Chief Executive Officer of ANFIA Service

Towards Transparency 4.0, Andrea Simoncini, Alessandra Biancolini ANPAL – National Agency Active Labour Policies, Italy

Digital Badges for the Automotive Industries – The ANFIA Service and IQC project

Marco Mantoan, ANFIA Service

Anchor1:30pm Lunch Break
Anchor2:30pm Workshop — Addressing the Open Badge Challenges (2)
Chair: Don Presant
Chair: Chiara Carlino

During this second session, group will deepen their understanding of the challenges chosen and work towards possible solutions. Participants are free to move from one group to the next. Observers are welcome to lurk on the work being done.

Workshop – Open Badges 102: Create your badge ecosystem (1)

During this second session, teams will be built to start working on the design to inform the development of mockups to demonstrate the potential capabilities of Open Badge applications. If you think that we should create a competitor to LinkedIn, don’t be shy, use the collective intelligence of the participants and your design could become the next big thing!

Anchor4:30pm Coffee break
Anchor5:00pm ORA: Open Recognition Alliance
Chair: Nate Otto
Chair: Don Presant

An open meeting of the Open Recognition Alliance.

Kick off of MIRVA (Making Informal Recognition Visible and Accessible), a 3 years ERASMUS plus project that will greatly contribute to the implementation of the goals of the Bologna Open Recognition Declaration.

Making Informal Recognition Visible and ActionableSerge Ravet, Reconnaître – Open Recognition Alliance, France

Anchor6:30pm Cocktail
Date: Thursday, 26/Oct/2017
Anchor8:30am Welcome and registration
Anchor9:00am PR21A
Chair: Don Presant

ePortfolio and Open Badges: Lifelong Learning Practices In Siberian Federal University

Olga Smolyaninova, Ekaterina Bezyzvestnykh

Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation

Tools of Engagement Project (TOEP): Equipping All Learners with 21st-Century Skills

Roberta {Robin} Sullivan, State University of New York at Buffalo

Digital Badges for Workforce Development

Kathleen Radionoff, Madison Area Technical College, United States of America

Student Transformative Learning Record

Brenton Rylan Wimmer, Credentialing for Transformative Success: The Student Transformative Learning Record (STLR)

Chair: Serge Ravet

GROWBIT – the zero blockchain interface

Alessandro Aglietti, Domenico Gemoli


Using an ePortfolio tool to underpin an institutional employability award at Durham University

Donna HayTim Ellis, Durham University, United Kingdom

Soft Skills in the Management world -The role of Digital Badges

Marcello Bogetti, SAA School of Management – University of Turin

Anchor10:30am Coffee Break
Anchor11:00am KEY2.1: Keynote Session
Chair: Chiara Carlino

Open Badges for Global Workforce Development at IBM, Marjolein van Eck, IBM, Corporate Talent

Opening up Education – A Support Framework for Higher Education Institutions, Andreia Inamorato dos Santos, Yves Punie, DG Joint Research Centre (JRC)

The Time for Self-Sovereign Identity is Now: Case Studies in Open Standards for Decentralized Identity and Verifiable Claims

Natalie SmolenskiKim Duffy Learning Machine, United States of America

Anchor12:45pm Lunch Break
  • KEY2.2: Panel: Humanitarian Passport Initiative
    Chair: Don Presant

    A diverse panel of humanitarians will provide an update of current developments and exciting next steps for the Humanitarian Passport, an emerging Open Recognition service for the sector.

    • Don Presant, Humanitarian Leadership Academy consultant
    • Petra Pojerová, Humanitarian Leadership Academy
    • Roisin Cassidy, Save the Children
    • Jose Manuel Lorente, Médicos Sin Fronteras
    • Victoria Fontan, Collaboration Centre for Quality Learning in Humanitarian Actio
Anchor3:00pm Coffee Break
Anchor3:30pm Workshop – Semantic value and Discovery – OB Challenges (3)
Chair: Bert Jehoul

4. Open Discovery

Key challenge: How to discover people, competencies, resources, service providers, etc. based on the data generated through Open Recognition while preserving the anonymity?

Statement: Search of talents is mainly confined within silos where participants are not in control of their data. Open Discovery means that it is… 

Linking Open Badges with ESCO: an Auto Badge Designer built during #oSoc17

Bert Jehoul1, Vincent Van Malderen2, Agis Papantoniou3, Christine Copers5, Bart Hanssens5, Johan Potums4, Pierre-Alexandre Blanc4, Niels Dewelde4, Eva Jacobs4, Pol Labaut4, Eveline Vlassenroot4

1: Selor , Open Knowledge Belgium; 2: Jobpunt; 3: CogniZone; 4: oSoc17; 5: Bosa Digital Transformation

Anchor4:30pm PR22: Projects presentation

Badging formal degrees: we need critical mass

Paolo Cherubini, Laura Appiani, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Life-long, life-wide and life-deep professional learning: what do open badging and eportfolios have to offer?

Mandia Mentis, Alison Kearney, Wendy Holley-Boen, Massey University New Zealand, New Zealand

Designing Badges for student and faculty development

Monica Fedeli, Carlo Mariconda, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy

Visualising Teamwork Credentials in the Medical Sciences using ePortfolios and Badges as Symbols of Achievement and Skills Recognition

Patsie Polly1, Thuan Thai1,4, Jia-Lin Yang2, Annie Luo1, Cristan Herbert1, Nicole Jones1, Richard Vickery1, Trevor Lewis1, Suzanne Schibeci3

1: School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney, Australia; 2: Prince of Wales Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney, Australia; 3: Science Administration Unit, Faculty of Science, UNSW Sydney, Australia; 4: School of Education, University of Notre Dame Australia, Australia

Digging into Open Badges through a Province-wide Sandbox

Joanne Kehoe, eCampusOntario, Canada

Open Recognition Networks — OB Challenges (4)

Key challenge: how to make learners, individuals and citizens the builders of Open Recognition Networks? Statement: Current recognition systems are structured around the individual. In contrast, Open Recognition Networks are structured around a shared community space and common context of goals and badges, where social understanding can develop… 
Anchor6:30pm End of day 2

Social Dinner
Date: Friday, 27/Oct/2017
Anchor8:30am Welcome and registration
Anchor9:30am PR31: Presentation of projects

Preparing Career Aware Graduates by applying an ISA Model and Integrative Career Development Learning in Science Courses at UNSW Sydney

Jia-LIn Yang1, Patsie Polly2, Thomas Fath2, Nicole Jones2, John Power2

1: Prince of Wales Clinical School, UNSW Sydney; 2: School of Medical Sciences, UUNSW Sydney

OpenAgri: New Skills for new Jobs in Peri-urban Agriculture: Using Open Badges for Urban Innovation

Chiara Carlino1, Rossana Torri2

1: Cineca, Italy; 2: Municipality of Milan

Analysis of proposed expansion of TESOL Arabia’s open badge system from simple recognition of participation at face-to-face events to online evidence-based recognition of activities and artefacts that demonstrate application of professional practice

James Buckingham

TESOL Arabia, Oman

Open Badges in the Higher Education student lifecycle

Federico Giacanelli, Cineca, Italy

Workshop – Open Recognition Network and Social Capital Representation – OB Challenges (5)

During this session we will look at two particular challenges: Open Recognition Networks and Social Capital Representation. This will be introduced by a presentation of a regional initiative, Badgeons la Normandie, which is confronted to those issues. 3. Open Recognition Networks Key challenge: how to make learners, individuals and citizens the… 

“Badgeons la Normandie” — Using Open Badges to develop a Learning Region

Philippe Petitqueux, DRAAF de Normandie, France

Anchor11:00am Coffee Break
Anchor11:30am KEY3.1: Keynote Session

Progress in Canada: Toward an ‘Internet of Skills’, Jeff Griffiths, Griffiths Sheppard Consulting Group Inc, Canada

Study to support the revision of the Diploma Supplement and analyse the feasibility of its digitalisation at European level

Justina Vaikutyte-Paskauske, Simone Ravaioli, Rimantas Dumčius, Karolis Saduikis, Darius Buinauskas, Donatas Pocius

PPMI, Lithuania

The open badge experiment in Dutch HE. Building a proof of concept for an open badge infrastructure.

Frans Ward, Ronald Ham, SURFnet, Netherlands, The

Anchor1:00pm Lunch Break
Anchor2:00pm KEY3.2: Round Table: the Open Badges / Open Recognition Challenges Roadmap – OB Challenges (6)
Chair: Serge Ravet

During three days, we will have had the opportunity to explore the different challenges (may be identify more) and it is time to establish a roadmap for the future of Open Recognition. The moderators of the different challenges will provide a brief report and a discussion will be opened with the participants.

Anchor4:00pm End conference