NB: this template is not for Abstracts. Abstracts must be entered directly into Conftool, the conference management system.

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Name Lastname 1, Name Lastname 2 and Name Lastname 2

1 Department, Institution, Zipcode City, Country; author1@email.com

2 Department, Institution, Zipcode City, Country; author2@email.com

Paper Title


In this paper we describe the formatting requirements for the Conference Proceedings, and we offer a number of suggestions on writing style for our readership. Your abstract in this paragraph should be of up to 350 words. Authors must also provide a “long abstract” (300 to 800 words) with their online submission. It is the Long Abstract which is used for selecting the presentations during the conference.

Title, long abstract, and presentation overview will be published in the book of abstracts and online.

1.         Introduction

ePIC 2020 Proceedings will be a publication of refereed presented at the ePIC Conference. We aim to give the book a coherent, high-quality appearance. To do this, we ask that authors follow some simple guidelines. In essence, we ask you to follow this template as closely as you possibly can.

The easiest way to do this is simply to use this template and replace the content with your own text and graphics, being careful not to add any new styles or redefine the template styles.

A current version of this template, along with the current Call and Guidelines for Proceedings Papers can be found at https://epic.openrecognition.org/template


2.         Total word length and file format

Full papers should be no longer than 5,000 words. This includes everything: from the title to the references. Longer papers will not be included in the Proceedings. For your paper to be accepted it must be formatted as a Microsoft Word document (with Open Office, use “Save As“) . No PDF!

3.         Formatted text

Use left aligned text (i.e. do not justify or centre) and single spacing between sentences. Carefully format your submission using the following styles:

3.1      Normal text

Please use a 12-point Times New Roman font, or other Roman font with serifs, as close as possible in appearance to Times New Roman in which these guidelines have been set. The goal is to have a 12-point text, as you see here. Please use sans-serif or non-proportional fonts only for special purposes, such as distinguishing source code text. (The Press 12-point font available to users of Script is a good substitute for Times Roman.)  If Times Roman is not available, try the font named Computer Modern Roman. On a Mac use the font named Times.

3.2      Title and authors

The title (Arial 14-point bold) runs across the full width of the page and is left aligned. Authors’ names (Arial 12-point not-bold) and affiliations (Arial 12-point not-bold) are entered into the table at the top. We also recommend you add your postal address and e-mail address using the same style as for authors.

3.3      Abstract and keywords

Every submission should begin with an abstract of about 350 words in the normal text style but italicized. The abstract should be a concise statement of the problem, approach, findings, and conclusions of the work described. Keywords will be taken from your submission form and added when the publication is assembled.

3.4      References and citations

Use the Chicago Author-Date System for references – that is, a list at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by first author, including the publication year, formatted as follows:

Pacini, E. 1997. Tapetum character states: Analytical keys for tapetum types and activities. Canadian Journal of Botany 75: 1448–59.

Within your text, cite the references in the format (Author, Year), or, if the author’s name is referred to directly in the text, (Year). For a detailed description go to http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/authors/style/reference/tf_F.pdf.

References should be published materials accessible to the public. Internal technical reports may be cited only if they are easily accessible (i.e. you give a Web address within your citation). Proprietary information may not be cited. Private communications should be acknowledged, not referenced, e.g., “(Robertson, personal communication).”

3.5      Page numbering, headers and footers

Do NOT include headers, footers or page numbers in your submission. These will be added when the publication is assembled.

4.         Sections and numbering

The headings of sections should be in Arial 12-point bold using sentence case, i.e. only the initial letters of the first words and proper names capitalized.

4.1      Subsections

The headings of subsections should be in Arial 12-point using sentence case, i.e. only the initial letters of the first words and proper names capitalized.

4.1.1   Sub-subsections

The heading for sub-subsections should be in Arial 12-point italic using sentence case, as with sections and subsections above.

4.1          Numbering

Please number all sections as shown in this document; this will assist in the production of the final publication

5.         Figures

Figures should be inserted at the appropriate point in your text. Each figure should have a figure caption in Normal Times New Roman 12 point font.

Please note that the papers will be printed in black and white. Therefore you should make sure that all graphics look good in black and white. You may use colored figures for the sake of the version on the Web, as long as it also looks good in grayscale.

6.         Language, style and content

Please make sure that your paper is in clear, readable, proper English and have it reviewed by a professional technical writer or native English speaker.

Spelling and punctuation may consistently use any dialect of English (e.g. British, Canadian or US). Hyphenation is optional. Please write for an international audience:

  • Explain all acronyms the first time they are used in your text.
  • Write in a straightforward style. Use simple sentence structure. Try to avoid long sentences and complex sentence structures. Use semicolons carefully.
  • Use common and basic vocabulary (e.g. use the word “unusual” rather than the word “arcane”).
  • Briefly define or explain all technical terms.
  • Explain local references (not everyone knows all city names in a particular country).
  • Explain “insider” comments. Ensure that your whole audience understands any reference whose meaning you do not describe (e.g. do not assume that everyone has used a Macintosh or a particular application).
  • Explain colloquial language and puns. Understanding phrases like “red herring” requires a cultural knowledge of English. Humour and irony are difficult to translate.
  • Use unambiguous forms for culturally-localized concepts, such as times, dates, currencies and numbers (e.g., “1-5-99” or “5/1/99” may mean January 5th or May 1st, and “seven o’clock” may mean 7:00 am or 19:00).
  • Be careful with the use of gender-specific pronouns (he, she) and other gendered words (chairman, manpower, man-months). Use inclusive language (e.g., she or he, s/he, they, chair, staff, staff-hours, person-years) that is gender-neutral. If necessary, you may be able to use “he” and “she” in alternate sentences, so that the two genders occur equally often. See Schwartz, et al. (1995) for further advice and examples regarding gender and other personal attributes.

7.         Acknowledgements

We thank John Cook of London Metropolitan University, Gerry Stahl of CSCL 2002, and David McConnell of Glasgow Caledonian University who wrote earlier versions of this document.

8.         References

Pacini, E. 1997. Tapetum character states: Analytical keys for tapetum types and activities. Canadian Journal of Botany 75: 1448–59.

Schellinger, Paul, Christopher Hudson, and Marijk Rijsberman, eds. 1998. Encyclopedia of the novel. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn.

Schuman, Howard, and Jacqueline Scott. 1987. Problems in the use of survey questions to measure public opinion. Science 236: 957–9.

This template is based on  The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) template published under a Creative Commons ‘ Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales licence – see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/uk/