Call for contributions

You are invited to submit contributions to the 23rd international ePIC Conference, focusing on Open Learning and Open Recognition Practices, Technologies, and Policies. The conference will be held on October 21-23, 2025, in Paris, France.

Are you a passionate practitioner in your field with valuable insights to share?

ePIC welcomes contributions from a diverse range of presenters, including:

  • Practitioners: Showcase successful implementation stories of digital credentials.
  • Educators: Present innovative teaching methods leveraging digital credentials to open access to recognition.
  • Researchers: Share your latest findings on open learning and recognition practices, technologies and policies
  • Employers: Share your experience on the impact of recognition practices, technologies and policies at the workplace for talent development and retention
  • Policymakers  Discuss the future direction of recognition practices, technologies and policies in the educational, social and employment landscape.
  • Technologists: Demonstrate cutting-edge technologies supporting the emergence of open learning and recognition ecosystems.

Submit your contribution and join the conversation!

We look forward to receiving your contributions to foster a dynamic exchange of ideas and practices at ePIC 2025.


  • September 6: Deadline for the submission of abstracts (extension)
  • September 13: End of early bird registration discount
  • September 13: Speaker registration deadline
  • October 21-23: Conference
  • December 20: Final submissions for the publication of the conference proceedings

Conference tracks

The conference is structured around six key questions to explore the future of how we acknowledge, celebrate, and empower individuals in their learning journeys:

  1. How can we make recognition accessible for all?
  2. How can we scale up and sustain digital credential initiatives?
  3. How can we articulate informal, non-formal and formal recognition?
  4. How can we unlock the potential of recognition at the workplace?
  5. How can we learn to learn… and learn to recognise?
  6. How can we unleash the potential of technology for recognition?
The submissions can be related to the following topics:
  • Practices
  • Education
  • Social integration
  • Employment
  • Policies
  • Research
  • Technologies
We’re seeking the exploration of innovative practices, insightful policies, and cutting-edge technological solutions (incl. AI) to contribute to these discussions.

Benefits of presenting

  • Share your experience, knowledge and/or vision with a global audience of peers, learning professionals, and thought leaders.
  • Gain valuable feedback and spark new collaborations within the recognition community.
  • Receive a “presenter” discount code for conference registration.
  • Get your work published in the conference proceedings.around 

Contribution types

Participants have the choice of format that best fits the content and presentation style:

Plenary sessions

  • Explore: 45 minutes moderated panel with Q&A to explore a topic 
  • Listen: 5 minutes speech to convince!

Parallel sessions

  • Share: 20 minutes presentation, including Q&A
  • Discuss: meet attendees in small groups next to a poster
  • Do it: 60 minutes activity-based session
  • Clinic: 60 minutes to explore collaboratively an essential question

NB: the choice of session type is indicative and ultimately depends on the decision of the conference organiser.includin

Submission and Review Process

Reviewers score each submission based on

  • Relevance to the “Call for Contributions”
  • Clarity and completeness of the submission
  • Contribution value to practise and/or theory
  • Awareness of related work and issues
  • Applicability / usability

The Program Committee will then make its selection from the top-ranked contributions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit a contribution?

You first need to create an account on Conftool, the conference management system, then submit an abstract that will be reviewed.

Is there a fee to submit a contribution?

No, however, once your are notified that your submission has been accepted, you will need to register. A “presenter” discount code will be provided in the acceptance email..

Is it possible to combine the “presenter” and “early bird” discounts?

Yes, absolutely. That’s why it is important to submit your contribution as soon as possible — check the calendar above for the deadlines.

Can I submit more than one contribution?

Yes, however, while all accepted submissions will be added to the book of abstracts and the conference proceedings, depending on the total number of submissions, you might only have one slot for the presentation of your work— consider the “discuss” option (poster) if you want to submit more than one contribution.

Presenter Registration

Check the calendar above for the deadlines.

Head office & Office

Association Reconnaître – Open Recognition Alliance – 3, Esplanade Stéphane Hessel – 14 000 Caen (France)

N° SIRET : 839 826 773 00021